What Older Listeners Say About our Name
“I was mildly surprised when I first saw their concert listed at a jazz venue we frequent. Being all adult, I thought what could go wrong? So I purchased tickets, keeping the gig a surprise for my “Dads and Daughters” night. We are a mix from Southeast UK , Midwest and Western US. Needless to say, we were all blown away.”BRS, 75 Watertown, MA
“The name of their group is fine. It doesn't offend anyone. And the music is wonderful.”Fred Jonas, 70 Miami, FL
“Mr. Ho’s Orchestrotica first caught my eye with their quirky name and my ears were rewarded with their wonderfully quirky music. Now being a musician myself, I appreciate off-the-wall humor and the creative approach usually found behind it. But I’m also a 68 y.o. white man and yet the name (amazingly?) doesn’t put me off one bit. Go figure!”HL, 68 NYC
“I'm old, white and wondering what the fuss is about. The name doesn't do anything for me but it doesn't do anything against me either.”Stan, 65 Boston, MA
“I love the name of the band. Always have.”Jeff, 65 Devens, MA
“I thought it was an asian band - what about Don Ho? Was that offensive? I do not think so - let's stop the sensitivity and enjoy Music”VM, 64 Cedar Grove, NH
“I'm a 68 year old, Vietnam era, white guy, living in Dallas, Texas, and the name of the group is entirely appropriate for the style of music they play.”Patrick Belvill Dallas,TX
“As for Orchestrotica, well, that name speaks for itself. To me, it sounds exotic. I’m a mostly white older guy (my mother was Portuguese from Hawaii!) and live in a rural area in the Sierra Nevada foothills (which is also mostly older white) and their album Third River Rangoon is in permanent rotation at our local radio station.”David, 60s Sierra Nevada Foothills, CA
“At first I was intrigued about the name, but the music was far more important. The name isn't so important to me. Open minds.....!”Steve Schmidt, 54 Gurnee, IL
“To me, the band name conjures up thoughts of an exciting and under-represented style of music. Keep making music!”Scott D., 53 years young Orlando, FL
“The funky name caught my attention and the music made me stay. Which is exactly what art is supposed to do: catch your attention.”SLC, 48 Chandler, AZ
“I am in my mid 30s and a black male. I do not find the name of the band offensive, though I have to admit the first time I read it out loud, I thought it had a story behind it and would resurface to make more sense why the group was called as such. However, this was only a passing thought, and I ended up just enjoying the music!”Mark C, 35 Los Angeles, CA
Esquivel Megaband
Sonorama: Stereo Sounds from a Space-Age Lounge
A Story-Driven Mashup of Global Jazz and Classical Adaptations