Intergalactic Balkan Surf Jazz Trio
Audio (Live Samples)
Name/Style | Play | Download |
Vessko Stomp (Tev Stevig) - ruchinitsa | ↓ | |
Black Sea Fantasy (Tev Stevig) - kalamatianos | ↓ | |
All I Have To Do Is Dream - American Songbook | ↓ | |
Fistful of Challah (Tev Stevig) - Spaghetti Western | ↓ | |
Mister Sandman (Yolanda Scott, vocals) - American Songbook | ↓ |
How do you say it!?
In English, it sounds like "Charna Volgastar!"
We were certainly intrigued when we read Czarna Wolgastar’s application for Jazz Along the Charles! Self-described as ‘an intergalactic Balkan surf-jazz trio,’ Czarna Wolgastar stood out in a sea of over 100 applications. Their unique approach to Jazz elevated the event and showcased the diversity of the genre. Attendees really enjoyed their style and interpretations of the set list. They were a pleasure to work with and we’re so glad they were able to perform!Elizabeth KracunasSr. Mgr. Performance Operations @ Celebrity Series of Boston
Thanks for a good concert the other night. I'm so impressed by the group's remarkable technique and ensemble playing. The creativity of the concert theme and music selections was both fun and interesting. CF GuthrieFan in Bangor, ME
Bio: Who/What Is Czarna Wolgastar?
Czarna Wolgastar is the intergalactic balkan surf jazz arm of Mr. Ho's Orchestrotica. Whenever the space ship Wolgastar 1 returns to Earth, three non-corporeal Wolgastarian entities embody three members of the Orchestrotica's quintet: Tev Stevig (guitar), Michael Harrist (bass), and Brian O'Neill (drums). Together, the trio – or sextet, depending on how you think of it – release a strange, other-worldly cocktail of Balkan beats and Milky-Way mischief crossed with the American songbook, Hollywood film soundtracks, and more. For your convenience, the trio members have translated an artistic note from the Wolgastarians to explain the concept further:
Artistic Note from the Wolgastarians
(approx. Wolgastarian → English Translation):
Czarna Wolgastar is world's only Wolgastarian surf rock trio in whole of Milky Way land. After visiting planet Earth land while touring big galaxy, their spaceboard, Wolgastar I, crashed on beach Albania close by. Stuck like a tape on earthland, the group now travels the Balkan sand and water ways, picking up surfing, fast picking, and music traditions of countries on journey, as they search for gasoline to take ship in the empty space black. Should you encounter big big ship or their music, under never no circumstances attempt to board Wolgastar I or record their music. Czarna Wolga is not toy, listened to on recorded media, or performance at home. Czarna Wolga never forgets!
(approx. Wolgastarian → Russian Translation)
Czarna Wolgastar - единственное в мире вольгастарское трио для серфинга во всей земле Млечного Пути. После посещения планетарной земли во время гастролей большой галактики их космический корабль, Волгастар I, разбился на пляже Албании рядом. Застрявшая как лента на землях, группа теперь путешествует по балканскому песку и водным путям, подбирает серфинг, быстрый сбор и музыкальные традиции стран в пути, поскольку они ищут бензин, чтобы взять корабль в пустое пространство черного цвета. Если вы столкнулись с большим большим кораблем или их музыкой, ни при каких обстоятельствах не пытайтесь дойти до Вольгастара I или записывать свою музыку. Czarna Wolga - это не игрушка, ее слушали на записанных носителях или выступление дома. Чарна Волга никогда не забывает!
Past CW Trio Events
Feb 7 2025 |
Mayo Street Arts
Portland, ME |
Oct 7 2023 |
The Charles River (precise location TBA)
Boston, MA |
Jul 20 2023 |
Statue Park
Somerville, MA |
Jul 9 2023 |
McClean Center Summer Concerts in the Park
McLean, VA |
May 22 2021 |
Online Event Presented by The Sheldon Theatre
Red Wing,
Red Wing, MN |
Aug 14 2020 |
Mr. Ho's Orchestrotica Presents the Remotely Music Series (Online Event)
Session VI
Audio/Video Recording
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Jun 29 2019 |
The Beehive
Boston, MA |
Feb 14 2019 |
Shore Leave
Boston, MA |
Jun 7 2018 |
The Hukilau
Hyatt Regency Pier 66 Fort Lauderdale,
Fort Lauderdale, FL |